How to select all on a Mac | Alterdraft

Cease the tedious process of copying and pasting one file at a time by opting for a more efficient approach to handle them collectively.


How to select all on a Mac

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  • Programs

How to select all on a Mac

  • 13/12/2023, 20:39
  •   /  Admin
  •   /  1167

Cease the tedious process of copying and pasting one file at a time by opting for a more efficient approach to handle them collectively.

Learning how to select all on macOS is remarkably straightforward, with the actual instructions constituting possibly the briefest segment of this article. Nevertheless, it's crucial to consider a few key points before scrolling down, akin to perusing an online recipe.
Initially, given that this is a macOS feature, the specific MacBook or Mac model you own is inconsequential, as this method is universally applicable. Secondly, the 'select all' functionality applies not only to files but also to text. Whether you intend to transfer the complete contents of a folder to another location or copy-paste an online novel into a Word document, the 'select all' procedure remains consistent.
Post-selection, various options are at your disposal for managing the chosen items, and I'll outline a few commands and choices in my concluding remarks.

Keeping that in mind, let's delve into how to 'select all.'




  • Open the relevant window or tab.
  • Choose all items or text.
  • Deselect items.



Apple computer with a keyboard.




  1. Open the relevant window or tab.

    Before hitting the necessary buttons, ensure that whatever you want to select is displayed on the screen. This action doesn't automatically select everything on your Apple computer. Bring forward the window, tab, or application you intend to use this function on.

  2. Choose all items or text.
    With the pertinent website, folder, etc., open, press Command+A. Congratulations, you've now selected everything. Alternatively, you can right-click and select 'Select All' from the contextual menu or navigate to Edit > Select All in the main menu where available.

  3. Deselect items.
    If you employ this feature in a folder filled with files and wish to select everything except one or two files, after selecting all items, Command-click to deselect the undesired files. Note that this doesn't apply to text selection.



This feature is remarkably straightforward yet highly useful. You can employ it before utilizing numerous other shortcuts. Command+C copies everything, and you can subsequently use Command+V to paste the selected items into a new folder. The Delete key performs as its name implies, erasing everything. Alternatively, click on the items and drag them to the desired folder or location.

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